Latitud y Soleamiento

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Diego Miramontes de León


The daylight saving time in the States of our country, where not were applied before, has sparked a great statement against it. It can be shown that from parallel 30o it is a gain an hour, and corresponds to the City of Cananea in Sonora. Meanwhile, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua is in the latitude 31o and Tecate, B. C. in the parallel 32o practically, all northwest border. Also should be noted that this gain is only given on June 21th, whereas before and after, the gain is reduced. Mexico City shows a gain of only 32.41 min. The advance schedule on most of the territory of our country can not be justified with the increase in sunlight. In this paper, we show some calculations that can help explain where or not it is necessary to advance the clock.

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How to Cite
Miramontes de León, D. (2007). Latitud y Soleamiento. Difu100ci@, Revista De difusión científica, ingeniería Y tecnologías, 1(2), 23-27. Retrieved from