Proposal for the implementation of ecotechniques for the management of basic resources in rural housing in the state of Oaxaca

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Daniela Muñoz-Sanchez
José Luis Caballero-Montes
Itzel Omara Matus-Enríquez


This article presents a proposal of eco-techniques for the management of basic resources in rural communities in Oaxaca. To obtain the results, a methodology was structured that included 5 stages. Derived from a bibliographic review, the eco-techniques were found and selected considering selection criteria such as that they were determined to be low cost and could be easily built. After the selection of the eco-techniques, an experimentation stage was carried out, making nopal paint with lime and a spiral garden, to characterize the technical, economic and social appropriation aspects. The selected and experienced eco-techniques were integrated into a sustainable design project to improve remittance housing and the conservation of traditional housing in the Mixteca of Oaxaca. Finally, for the transfer of ecotechnologies to the communities, didactic material is made with clear information about these appropriate technologies, without delving into technical aspects so that the target population can take ownership of the construction process.

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How to Cite
Muñoz-Sanchez, D., Caballero-Montes, J. L., & Matus-Enríquez , I. O. (2022). Proposal for the implementation of ecotechniques for the management of basic resources in rural housing in the state of Oaxaca. Difu100ci@, Revista De difusión científica, ingeniería Y tecnologías, 16(3), 163-169. Retrieved from
Congreso Nacional de Investigación Interinstitucional
Author Biographies

José Luis Caballero-Montes

Licenciado en Ingeniería Civil. Doctorante en Arquitectura. Profesor Investigador del Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México (CIIDIR-Oaxaca). Profesor titular de la maestría en Gestión de Poyectos para el Desarrollo Solidario. Lineas e investigación: vivienda y habitabilidad, proyectos de intervención sostenible del hábitat humano con enfoque solidario en comunidades y  gestión de proyectos sociales 

Itzel Omara Matus-Enríquez

Ingeniera en Energias Renovables por la Universidad Tecnológica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Maestra en Gestión de Poyectos Para el Desarrollo Solidario por el Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR) IPN Unidad Oaxaca. Actualmente profesora en la Universidad Tecnológica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca.