Electronic design of the early warning system for monitoring and detection of floods

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Raúl U. Rentería Flores
Raúl T. Aquino Santos
Ismael Amezcua Valdovinos
Víctor Rangel Licea


Floods are one of the most severe natural disasters that humans faces regarding casualties in terms of victims, infrastructure damage, economic losses, and long-term effects, often with very adverse social consequences. Flash floods are hazardous because they often carry little or no warning of impending disaster. This project addresses one of the great challenges facing population centers in the context of climate change: flash floods. As a consequence, it is proposed to develop an electronic prototype oriented to the Internet of Things (IoT), which integrates an early warning system, notifications and real-time monitoring of areas at risk of flooding.

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How to Cite
Rentería Flores, R. U., Aquino Santos, R. T., Amezcua Valdovinos, I., & Rangel Licea, V. (2022). Electronic design of the early warning system for monitoring and detection of floods. Difu100ci@, Revista De difusión científica, ingeniería Y tecnologías, 16(3), 50-57. Retrieved from http://difu100cia.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/difuciencia/article/view/337
Congreso Nacional de Investigación Interinstitucional