Development of a teleoperated unmanned ground vehicle for mining applications with educational purposes

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Juvenal Villanueva Maldonado
Jorge Simón
E. Francisco Rivera-Gomez
Roberto Solís-Robles
Rául Chavéz-Romero
José Ricardo Gómez-Rodríguez
Víktor Iván Rodríguez-Abdalá
Cristian Eduardo Boyain y Goytia-Luna
J. Flores-Troncoso


This work describes aspects related to the development of an “Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)”, it has an independent traction system on all six wheels, and four of them have a rotating system to give direction to the vehicle. The rotation of the tires on their own axis reduces overstress on the motors, which reduces energy consumption when rotating and provides better movement, unlike vehicles that work with a difference in speed. In addition, there is a bilateral radio frequency communication system for telemetry and command control. This connects to a terrestrial base that has a graphical user interface to be able to view the received data, telemetry and the video image, in real time. A robotic arm of the SCARA type with four degrees of freedom is also presented, which is integrated into the mobile that allows for work to collect objects as well as drilling in areas of different soil surfaces due to its double effector system. The design features pieces developed through 3D printing.

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How to Cite
Villanueva Maldonado, J., Simón, J., Rivera-Gomez, E. F., Solís-Robles, R., Chavéz-Romero, R., Gómez-Rodríguez, J. R., Rodríguez-Abdalá, V. I., Boyain y Goytia-Luna, C. E., & Flores-Troncoso, J. (2023). Development of a teleoperated unmanned ground vehicle for mining applications with educational purposes. Difu100ci@, Revista De difusión científica, ingeniería Y tecnologías, 17(03), 1-11. Retrieved from

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