Implementation of an Intelligent Algorithm in a PLC: A Practical Approach

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Arturo Vázquez Gálvez
Oscar Mario Rodr´ıguez Elias
Guillermo Valencia Palomo
German Alonso Ruíz Domínguez


This paper focuses on finding a way to implement an intelligent algorithm in an Allen Bradley PLC. It demonstrates such implementation with the purpose of improving a process, particularly water level control. The processing module followed during this research was the artificial neural networks (ANN). To achieve the programming, MATLAB was selected as the main support tool due to the powerful modules that it offers. In the paper, the steps that were necessary in order to achieve the proposed objective are described.

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How to Cite
Vázquez Gálvez, A., Rodr´ıguez EliasO. M., Valencia Palomo, G., & Ruíz Domínguez, G. A. (2013). Implementation of an Intelligent Algorithm in a PLC: A Practical Approach. Difu100ci@, Revista De difusión científica, ingeniería Y tecnologías, 7(2), 46-53. Retrieved from